Hi, I’m Heather your Cyclical Living Guide

I'm here to create a welcoming and safe space for you through meaningful conversations, personalized cyclical guidance, reiki and reflexology treatments. Your unique wellness journey is #1 priority when we work together. So, I often ask a lot of questions as getting to know you better helps me provide the tailored support you deserve.

how I started…

Growing up , I didn’t have the tools to express the big feels I was experiencing. Sound familiar? My family and I were doing the best with what we had, but you don’t really know what you don’t know, until you know. Ya know? Anyways, flash forward to my early 20s, and I was experiencing an unimaginable amount of distress due to my inability to regulate my nervous system. I had been going to therapy, groups, and seeing doctors but still - nothing really stuck. I was coping with the world around me the best way I knew how. Substances, being too busy, and unhealthy relationships.

In my mid 20’s I knew something had to change, but I still didn’t know what it was. So, I moved. Then moved again. I signed up for about 50 million courses and only took about 2 of them. The first one was my Holistic Health Practitioner training. The second, was a Menstrual Cycle Literacy course, and these things - these two things - completely changed the course of my life.

some fun facts

I’ve lived in 5 different cities, & moved 10+ times

I graduated Trent University with a BSc in Anthropology & Biology

I love beach volleyball & really any team sport

I have two kitties, Malevich & Gabby

Some of my friends & family still don’t really understand what I do

I worked in Optometry for about 6 years

life looks differently now…

Today, my life is more intentional. I keep tabs on how my nervous system is doing. The main way in which I do that is by living with and honoring the phases of my menstrual cycle, living cyclicallly.

These days, my rest is intentional, my chaos is honored, and my life is so much better for it. These days, I have been blessed enough to learn my dharma, or life’s purpose. My life’s purpose is to help where I’m needed. And right now, in this era of life, I am needed to help talk about all the taboo and uncomfortable stuff that people generally keep hidden away in their emotion closet, eating them alive.

If any of this resonates with you…

then working together would likely be an absolute dream for us both. Whether you’re looking for some gentleness with slowing your pace, or some insight into how your body works, I am here to hold sacred space for your process.